John S. Morabito

John S. Morabito

John S. Morabito

Product and UX/UI Design

Product and UX/UI Design

Product and UX/UI Design


Startups Consulted


Stars on Github


Plugin Downloads

"Good design means as little design as possible." - Dieter Rams

"Good design means as little design as possible." - Dieter Rams

"Good design means as little design as possible." - Dieter Rams



User Experience Design

Creating intuitive experiences from fundamental principles of design and human behavioral patterns.

User Experience Design

Creating intuitive experiences from fundamental principles of design and human behavioral patterns.

User Interface

Following best practices and recognized conventions to create interfaces that users love.

User Interface

Following best practices and recognized conventions to create interfaces that users love.

Product Design

Considering the goals of the client and stakeholders to ensure that design drives KPIs.

Product Design

Considering the goals of the client and stakeholders to ensure that design drives KPIs.

Visual Design

Selecting beautiful styles that reflect the brands' mission and values.

Visual Design

Selecting beautiful styles that reflect the brands' mission and values.

User Experience Research

Talking to users and observing their behaviors to identify pain points and opportunities for delight.

User Experience Research

Talking to users and observing their behaviors to identify pain points and opportunities for delight.

Project Management

Thoughtfully scoping and organizing work for a maximally efficient collaborative experience.

Project Management

Thoughtfully scoping and organizing work for a maximally efficient collaborative experience.

Case Studies

Case Studies

WolfPack CarPlay

Introducing group travel app, WolfPack, to a new platform.

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Obsidian Design System Community File

A public design system for the Obsidian plugin developer community.

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Take control of Obsidian's interface with new locations for commands.

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Workspaces Plus

Manage your workspaces in Obsidian with ease.

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Let's talk.

Let's talk.

Let's talk.